Monday 28 November is the 250th anniversary of the birth of Luke Howard ‘Namer of Clouds’. He is commemorated with the only English Heritage Blue Plaque in Tottenham, at 7 Bruce Grove, where he spent his final years.
His system of identifying and classifying clouds, naming them using Latin, (cumulus, stratus, cirrus, nimbus), is used across the globe. For over 30 years Luke Howard made and recorded accurate meteorological observations. The data from his weather measurements is used by urban climate scientists today.
“Luke Howard identified virtually all of the factors that are responsible for the urban heat island (UHI) – that he did so in 1820, at the very beginning of the scientific study of weather and climate is remarkable. By any measure, ‘Luke Howard’s account is monumental’.” International Association for Urban Climate (IAUC)
Luke Howard was a deeply religious man. He is remembered by the Quakers as one of the earliest pioneers of Quaker relief work having led the efforts after the Napoleonic Wars. He was involved in national campaigns such as the anti-slavery movement, a founder of the African Institution and active locally in support of the poor.
In the words of the German philosopher, statesman and poet, Johann Wolfgang Goethe who wrote a poem “In Honour of Mr Howard” and described him as “such an excellent man”.
(doors open 11.50am)
Tea and Tottenham Cake will be served. Places for this special celebration and talk can be booked through Eventbrite.
Organised by Bruce Castle Museum in association with Tottenham Clouds as part of the wider programme of events commemorating Luke Howard's 250th anniversary. For more details visit Tottenham Clouds.