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We usually think of women’s work as either looking after the home and family or having an impressive career and being a role model. But for most women, there is the more mundane work that fitted in before marriage and after raising a family. Although that work has never been rated very highly, for the individual women it often proved to be an important part of their life and affirmation of their individuality. It may have been in those years before marriage when they were independently making their way through the world, often making lifelong friends or skills. Or it could have been the story of the enterprising sisters who opened a wool shop in West Green Road once their children had left home, loving the work, the people they met and the self-esteem it gave them. What can you remember of your mother’s work outside the home, and the effect it had on her? Was it drudgery, but one that nevertheless gave a welcome boost to the family income, or was it the only income? Or did she gain from meeting different people and doing different work, perhaps even unpaid voluntary work in the local community or church?
Come to the Museum and share your memories over a cup of tea.
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