Turnpike Lane and South Asian Heritage: An Introduction Talk

mural on shop front

Free, all welcome. Booking required.

Location: Orange Cafe, N8 0PR

Discover more about Turnpike Lane and South Asian Heritage with Deborah Hedgecock (Curator of Bruce Castle Museum). 

Come along and hear this brief introduction with Deborah about how Turnpike Lane has developed over time. 

(There is a guided walk later in the morning - please book this separately if you wish to attend that as well).

Spaces are limited so booking is essential. Please book your free tickets via Ticket Tailor.

NB special half-price offer for refreshments at Orange Café at this free event.

Organised by Bruce Castle Museum & Archive with the Culture Team, Haringey Council.

For any queries, email museum.services@haringey.gov.uk 

If the event is sold out, please email Bruce Castle Museum to be put on the waiting list.

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