
Discover more with our expert staff and guest speakers. Join us for Munch and Listen (lunchtime talks), Hear, Here (evening talks), and Curator's Pick (in-gallery talks).

Please note - due to our exciting East Wing Restoration Project, our usual monthly programme of talks is limited.

Munch and Listen

Please note - due to ongoing building works there is no Munch and Listen this month.

Enjoy our monthly lunchtime talks programme – just bring your lunch and listen! 

Talks will either be on-site or online. Please check carefully for details of each event, as these may vary.

Hear, Here

Come along and Hear, Here at our monthly evening talks programme. 

Talks will either be on-site or online. Please check carefully for details of each event, as these may vary.

Project Launch: Joyce Butler, The National Woman's MP

  • Thursday 13 March, 7pm to 8.30pm

Free, all welcome. Booking required.

joyce butler at the inaugural meeting of Haringey Council

Join us for the launch of our exciting new AHRC funded heritage project ‘The National Woman’s MP: Joyce Butler, women's rights and women's liberation from the 1950s to the 1970s’, working in partnership with Dr Lyndsey Jenkins, Mansfield College, University of Oxford. The two-year project uses the Joyce Butler Archive held at Bruce Castle Museum and Archive to commemorate her role in instigating the Sex Discrimination Act (1975), making cervical screening available on the NHS, and her campaigns for better health, housing and workers’ rights.

Listen to Dr Lyndsey Jenkins talk about Joyce, her personal background and motivations for the amazing work she did as Councillor and MP for Wood Green. We’ll tell you about what the project entails and the projected outcomes, discuss the outreach programme with local schools and community organisations, and take a look at the archive itself, showing you some of the wonderful items it holds.

As part of the wider programme, we’re also working with North Central London Integrated Care Board on their Cultural Health Campaign to integrate health messaging around prevention and women’s health - you’ll hear about that work too!

Doors open 6.30 for tea/coffee and to look at health information stalls in the Old Kitchen. Welcome address and talks start promptly at 7pm in the Lecture Hall for 8.30pm finish.

Please book your free ticket for this in-person event via Ticket Tailor.

Curator's Pick

Please note - due to ongoing building works, there is no Curator's Pick this month.

A monthly series of bite-size talks by the curator or invited guest as they share stories inspired by their choice of objects or art from the galleries.